Are We Being Our Brother’s Keeper?

By Kevin Adderley

Greetings Saints:

As we hear about the growing number of persons who have decided to end their journey on Earth; I ask that we incline our ears to the plight of our neighbours. (Luke 10:30-37) Let us remember the conversation between Jesus and the lawyer in Luke 10:27-28. Let us also remember the first commandment is null and void if the second commandment is not being observed. (See Proverbs 21:13)

In a recent prayer meeting; a young brother reminded us, that it’s not always about the physical/money. Sometimes persons just need to hear an encouraging word/scripture/prayer. In our desire to be obedient to these commandments, let us also remember Pastor George Berry⁩’s admonition to not treat anyone like a project, and be mindful of using churchy platitudes.

As we seek to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20), let us also remember that verse 19 is impossible without developing a relationship with people. The formula for this is found in Luke 10. Verses 5-10 speak directly to building relationships.

I pray that we continually examine our motives, and remember the teachings of Jesus in Matt 6:1-24. If there is any doubt; please remember, “Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.” (Psalm 37:5 NLT)



  1. Well said Bro. Kevin - this is a timely reminder with relevant scripture references to pray for each other, share positive words and look out for each other.


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