How would you describe your company?

by Vernel Butler

The Word of God reminds us to beware of the company we keep. 

Prov. 13:20 tells us..."He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." With whom are you walking?

We are told by our parents at an early age, to watch the company we keep. This is their way of warning us of the danger of being 'caught' with the wrong people. The question should we choose? Do we seek persons with similar character traits or values as we, or do we seek some one who is opposite?  Whomever we are led to choose, know that we are known by the company that we keep. 
With that in mind, if we choose a fool as a friend, then we are seen as one.
Psalm 14 notes that the fool says in his heart, there is no God. Beware of such a person.

Do you recall that while Jesus was here on earth, He chose 12 men as His friends, to 'hang out' with?  They we all of differing personalities, BUT...Jesus was the leader, He chose them. Jesus was confident in who He was, He knew His purpose, He influenced them...not they Him. Are you the leader...or the follower in your group? Did you choose them?  My friends, being the leader comes with responsibility...generally, he takes charge, he decides the actions.

As we look around in our community, it seems that we suffer much from bad choices...bad friendships, bad company.  As a result there is a decline in the moral fabric of our society...crime is flourishing, many of us seem to lack respect for God, ourselves and others.  We seem to be surrounded by lawlessness.

What do we do...can we change this?
My friends, Jesus is our only hope. The Bible gives us the roadmap to use to positively impact others. Through His Holy Spirit, He seeks to guide and direct our thoughts....our steps...our way...Psalm 37:23; Psalm 27:15.

Friendship is sacred, bad men are useless, good men are a blessing. Let us strive to be a blessing, to positively impact not only our friends, but those around us.  A friend loves at all times.
What kind of a friend are you? With whom are you walking?  Prov 18:24;  22:24,25;  12:21
Amos 3:3.


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